1·Andorra, with an area of some 200 square miles, is considerably larger than Monaco.
2·Stopping can very well be compared with bench blasting but requires considerably larger charges.
3·Much attention is currently being focused on Katla, a considerably larger volcano 25km from Eyjafjallajokull.
4·The answer to the second is that less well attuned but considerably larger eruptions are all but certain in decades to come.
5·The memory pool for gen0 objects is considerably larger then for the previous scenario to be able to serve allocation needs.
6·Disk space requirements for databases are however considerably larger, with a typical database being several megabytes in size.
7·We use some elementary methods to demonstrate the existence of a periodic solution for a considerably larger parameter set than considered earlier.
8·My renderings are usually no larger than 750 pixels wide. If you're working with anything considerably larger then your results will differ slightly.
9·Unfortunately, this approach itself can become a performance bottleneck if the size of the data requested is considerably larger than the kernel buffer size.
10·Also, because their copies of the records contain all the fields (not just the key fields) the NSF file may be considerably larger than the one on the server.